Episode 94 - The Worst of a Bad Bunch

The Quiet Part Loud Podcast show

Summary: Episode 94 covers the ongoing political turmoil plaguing our society both in the UK and US. We're talking the ongoing mess that is the Tory Leadership Race, look at the candidates, and specifically Boris Johnson who is set to take over as an un-elected Prime Minister of the UK. Then we look at the House Judiciary investigation into the Mueller Report and the chasm that continues to separate the two sides of government in America. Before that we discuss Facebook's new app "Study" and how it's nothing more than a PR move to show they care about protecting your data. Additionally, we look at the impassioned speech by Jon Stewart to an empty congress addressing the lack of support given to 9/11 first responders and the recent declaration by the UK to become a net zero carbon emissions country by 2050 and ask "is that good enough?". Enjoy!