Students don't trust oil executives at the 2018 ONS conference - Soul of Innovation

Soul of Innovation show

Summary: I just came back from the 2018 ON in Stavanger, Norway.  ONS is the 2nd largest Oil & Gas conference in the world with the CEOs and top executives from the Oil & Gas sector.  There were 68,174 people in attendance from over 98 countries at this conference! At this year's ONS conference, I held a keynote speech on Tuesday. On Wednesday, I moderated a panel with several CEOs from the technology industry.  The conference had a different vibe then tech conferences with a lot of older people attending.  This created a lower energy level.  You could slice the air with a knife when it came to the pressure companies had on to sell, sell, sell. The most interesting reflection from the conference came from the fireside chat prior to my speech on Tuesday.  The 400 students in attendance were not believing anything the oil executives were telling them.  I sat in the back of the large conference hall listening to the students laugh, shake heads, and just play with their mobiles as the executives told them to major in oil-related studies and forget everything else. Please listen to the podcast to learn about what happened and what the students think about the oil & gas sector.  This was a wake-up call for many executives but the problem for them is that they continue to not listen to the younger generation who have found them to be completely irrelevant! Enjoy the podcast. Subscribe: - iTunes / Apple Podcast: - Spotify: - Google Podcasts: - Stitcher: - TuneIn: - Pandora: - iHeart Radio: - Listen Notes: Follow: -