Episode 123: Home Alone

The Horse Race show

Summary: 3/18/20-- The spread of coronavirus has continued to ramp up across the state and the nation at large, and lots of people are switching to remote work. That includes us over at Horse Race Global Media HQ, so bear with us as we transition away from the comfort of our cozy podcast studio and wrangle with the technology that allows us to conduct interviews from a distance. Our first guest is Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu, who updates us on how the Council operations have changed, and what it's like trying to connect with constituents in a time when connecting in person is medically inadvisable, but people are concerned and have many questions for local leaders. Next, Representative Jon Santiago serves the 9th Suffolk District of Massachusetts as both a member of the House of Representatives as well as an emergency room doctor for Boston Medical Center. He gives us a sense of what people -- both patients and fellow physicians -- are concerned about, as well as what policy ideas are circulating on the state and federal level to ensure the needs of our most vulnerable populations are met.