622 | Don’t know what to do? Do this…

Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now! show

Summary: I have recently hit just over 100 emails written since I started writing daily emails for Internet Business Mastery.<br> <br> <br> <br> Recently a friend of mine asked me about these daily emails.<br> <br> She asked, "Is it hard coming up with what to write every single day?"<br> <br> At the time I said, "No, not at all."<br> <br> But this morning it happened.<br> <br> I woke up a few minutes ago, excited to write to you but no subject came to mind.<br> <br> I was actually a bit shocked. <br> <br> Usually I have 2-3 things I could write and I have to just choose one and make a note of the others for days like this.<br> <br> I have a huge mindmap of things to write about, so I went to that and nothing stood out as something I wanted to talk about.<br> <br> I sat there a moment and thought...<br> <br> What advice would I give to someone that feels stuck?<br> <br> I'd normally say, just start. <br> <br> Take action. Even if it doesn't seem like much, do something.<br> <br> So I did, I wrote about having hit over 100 emails.<br> <br> I kept writing until I finished the email in one pass and made this podcast for you.<br> <br> Don't know what freedom business you want to create? <br> <br> Don't know what niche you want to go in?<br> <br> Don't know what audience you want to create value for?<br> <br> Don't know how to use social media to draw traffic to you?<br> <br> Don't know how to create a website?<br> <br> Don't know what product to make or how to make it?<br> <br> No problem, just take action.<br> <br> All of the issues that are stopping you can be solved by joining the Freedom Club, even believing you don't have the $1 a day investment to join is handled inside.<br> <br> Take action, join now: