Episode 122: The Women Explain It All

The Horse Race show

Summary: 3/11/20-- This week on The Horse Race, we're celebrating International Women's Day with an all-female cast. We begin with the scary news of the ever-growing novel coronavirus that has now been officially dubbed a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. Here in Massachusetts, Governor Charlie Baker has declared a state of emergency, and as Politico reporter Stephanie Murray can attest, candidates campaigning for office are taking measures to limit human contact and reduce risk. WBUR reporter Zeninjor Enwemeka drops by talk about her recent coverage on the individual and state-level responses to the virus outbreak. Stores are suffering wipeouts of necessities like canned goods and toilet paper as consumers stock up for potential quarantine. But, she mentions, people she's spoken to are not exhibiting an attitude of panic, but rather an eagerness to be prepared. Meanwhile, the MBTA announced it will be cleaning and disinfecting its vehicles every four hours to tamp down on the spread of the contagious illness. Next up, Nina Liang, Quincy City Council President and executive director of Emerge Massachusetts makes a reappearance on The Horse Race, this time to talk about the national and state climate surrounding women in politics. Elizabeth Warren supporters were vocal about feeling dejected when the Massachusetts senator declared her withdrawal from the presidential race, and many of them pointed to the issue of sexism and the constant nagging buzz in Warren's ear that she didn't possess electability, a critique that's been widely branded as sexist on its face. Liang talks about the future of women in politics and what Emerge, an organization dedicated to aiding Democratic women who want to run for office, is doing about it. Finally, BFF of the pod and newly elected President of the Massachusetts State House Press Association Katie Lannan brings us an update on the new role as well as how the organization and the state legislature is doing in terms of gender parity.