19. "So You Feel Disconnected From Feminism"

So-Called Oreos show

Summary: In this episode, the So-Called Oreos give a brief history on how Women's History Month came to be. The four hosts dive into how the comments and actions of white women have caused them to feel disconnected to the overall idea of feminism. Kia tells her experience of white women copying her ideas at work and Amari shares a story on her white friend joining her for a protest and the importance of white allies showing up. Rachel gives tips on managing PTSD and reminds us how not managing our stress can take a toll on our body. The show wraps on a positive note with the friends mentioning the women they look up to and give advice to a listener who has some roommate drama. Why March is National Women’s History Month https://nationalwomenshistoryalliance.org/womens-history-month/womens-history-month-history/ Thank you for your support and as always please continue to subscribe, share and follow us on social media! Email: socalledoreos@gmail.com Twitter: @socalledoreos Instagram: @socalledoreos Facebook: www.facebook.com/socalledoreos/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCMDdVCa3…iew_as=subscriber Audience Survey: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQL…A8rq69gQ/viewform