FOF #2033 – Cameron Esposito Comes Back

Feast of Fun : Gay Talk Show show

Summary: For years comedian Cameron Esposito was a regular on the podcast and even performed with us at a gay men’s bathhouse.<br><br>Since then she’s moved to L.A. and done really well for herself – Jay Leno called her “the future of comedy” on Craig Ferguson’s show, she’s appeared many times on Chelsea Lately and she even voiced a character on the cartoon Adventure Time.<br><br>But has all this success come at a cost? The quest for fame can make you do strange things, like in the movie Fame where they got so carried away they danced on top of cars.<br><br>Listen as we reconnect with America’s Lesbian Sweetheart Cameron Esposito about her Hollywood success, her working and romantic relationship with comedian Rhea Butcher and behind the scenes hijinks at Chelsea Lately.<br><br>PHOTO: Cameron Esposito with Jay Leno and Craig Ferguson. When comedians "get the chair" it is a rite of passage, meaning they have reached a new milestone in their careers. <br><br>JOIN US FOR THIS AND ALL THE HOT NEWS:<br><br>➤ Her new album Same Sex Symbol.<br><br>➤ The gender duality to her side mullet.<br><br>➤ Farewell to Hollywood’s Golden Age actress and star of High Point coffee commercials Lauren Bacall.<br>____________________<br><br>LOVE FEAST OF FUN? <br>LISTEN TO THOUSANDS LEGENDARY SHOWS 
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