FOF #2827 - Merrie Cherry’s Tribute to Women of Black History

Feast of Fun : Gay Talk Show show

Summary: Merrie Cherry is every proud black woman for Black History Month. Photos courtesy of Merrie Cherry.<br><br>To celebrate Black History Month, Brooklyn drag queen Merrie Cherry is paying tribute to legendary black women of history by dressing up as them and posting her portraits side by side on Instagram.<br><br>Don’t worry, she’s black so it’s all good.<br><br>Everyday of the month of February she’s posting one of her split screen tributes, which is no easy feat considering this has been years in the making.<br><br>So far she’s dressed up as Michelle Obama, Martha P Johnson and Dianne Carol. Her ode to Harriet Tubman could be the cover of a 90s rap album.<br><br>Today Marrie Cherrie joins us from London to look at the wonderful women in Black History and share her tales of surviving a stroke and recently losing her wallet and stuff in Europe.