Molehill Mountain Episode 179 – Sony Is a Tease

KNGI Network Podcast Master Feed show

Summary: And not in a good way.<br> <br> 0:34 - Sony demonstrates how NOT to do teaser posters with its upcoming Monster Hunter movie<br> 25:56 - The animated Harley Quinn show is really good!<br> 30:03 - Hundreds of dollars worth of DLC isn't enough; Tecmo Koei charges players for changing character hair color<br> 46:22 - Voting stresses me out<br> <br> <br> If you missed Saturday’s live broadcast of Molehill Mountain, you can watch the video replay on YouTube. Alternatively, you can catch audio versions of the show on iTunes. Molehill Mountain streams live at 7p PST every Saturday night on RandomTower!<br> Credits: Molehill Mountain is hosted by E. Zachary Knight and Andrew Eisen. The show is edited by Andrew Eisen. Music in the show includes “Albino” by Brian Boyko. It is in the public domain and free to use. Molehill Mountain logo by Scott Hepting.<br> Chat Transcript:<br> <br> 7:05 PMWarren Lewis​I enjoyed the second Resident Evil film. Also, hi.<br> <br> 7:09 PMWarren Lewis​Beastmaster II<br> <br> 7:12 PMAnberye​have we even seen a monster yet, that is the main draw of the series<br> <br> 7:33 PMTheRiverAnduin​yo I am late, anyone hyped for Langrisser 1 and 2 remaster?<br> <br> 7:35 PMTheRiverAnduin​DOA core fighters 5 fighters the rest are dlc<br> <br> 7:38 PMAnberye​if I had that type of money I would pay the 10340.26 fr the train simulator DLC<br> <br> 7:39 PMTheRiverAnduin​I think it says something about the type of people that gravitate to the upper levels of corporate, cut throat positions<br> <br> 7:45 PMScrungle Humingsworth​awesome!<br> <br> 7:45 PMScrungle Humingsworth​I made it back<br> <br> 7:45 PMTheRiverAnduin​I have picross on the 3ds fun game<br> <br> 7:45 PMScrungle Humingsworth​unless the stream is almost over<br> <br> 7:46 PMScrungle Humingsworth​also im sending good vibes to andrew so he doesn't get the corona virus<br> <br> 7:46 PMScrungle Humingsworth​did we already talk about mh movie?<br> <br> 7:47 PMScrungle Humingsworth​I call it the kung flu<br> <br> 7:47 PMTheRiverAnduin​ok here in Kansas<br> <br> 7:47 PMScrungle Humingsworth​16 cases in Texas just a few miles from my town<br> <br> 7:47 PMScrungle Humingsworth​pray for me brothers, in a month I'll be fighting off coofers in a hazmat suit<br> <br> 7:49 PMEvaUnit02​Make sure you avoid crowded public places, CA will probably be hit hardest by an epidemic in the USA<br> <br> 7:49 PMEvaUnit02​Andrew, you work from home, right? That's good.<br> <br> 7:50 PMScrungle Humingsworth​im in Houston, it hasnt hit but my city is NOT ready for it<br> <br> 7:50 PMTheRiverAnduin​local elections are more confusing than national ones<br> <br> 7:50 PMEvaUnit02​all politicians are awful and your vote make much of difference in the end.<br> <br> 7:50 PMEvaUnit02​won't^<br> <br> 7:51 PMScrungle Humingsworth​well I said I live in Houston but i live in a small town on the outskirts, we border on country<br> <br> 7:51 PMScrungle Humingsworth​haha! small town politics are ezpz<br> <br> 7:52 PMScrungle Humingsworth​fight off the coofers in your hazmat suit andrew<br> <br> 7:52 PMEvaUnit02​We got our first COVID case in New Zealand the other day<br> <br> 7:53 PMScrungle Humingsworth​ammo will be the new currency, metro 2033 is becoming a reality<br> <br> 7:54 PMEvaUnit02​Have you seen the Resident Evil 3 remake footage. it looks really good IMO<br> <br> 7:54 PMEvaUnit02​?<br> <br> 7:54 PMScrungle Humingsworth​nemesis can drop kick you in re3, I cant wait to get drop kicked by my main man<br> <br> 7:56 PMEvaUnit02​degrees of awfulness? absolutely<br> <br> 7:57 PMScrungle Humingsworth​I got the privilege of being a tejano. unga bunga<br> <br> 7:57 PMScrungle Humingsworth​ambulance? the infected are coming, load up on shotgun shells<br>