March 6 - The Dissolution of the Monasteries

Tudor History with Claire Ridgway show

Summary: On this day in Tudor history, 6th March 1536, King Henry VIII's Dissolution of the Monasteries began when the “Act for the Suppression (or Dissolution) of the Lesser Monasteries” was introduced into the Reformation Parliament.    The Dissolution of the Monasteries had a major impact on England and her people, but was of great benefit to the king, his nobles and the gentry. Find out what happened, why and its impact in this talk from Claire Ridgway, founder of the Tudor Society and Anne Boleyn Files.   You can see this podcast as a video at the following link:   Also on this day in Tudor history, 6th March 1492, scholar and humanist Juan Luis Vives was born. He advised Catherine of Aragon on Princess Mary’s education. Find out all about what he advised in last year’s video.