613 | Cut it out!

Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now! show

Summary: About 5 years ago I got into a movement called Minimalism.<br> <br> <br> <br> I met a couple guys running a very popular blog on the subject, so I checked it out.<br> <br> During my search I found a lot of other blogs about it. Everyone seemed to have taking the concept in a slightly different direction.<br> <br> The extreme was someone that gave all their possessions away except 87 items. All 87 items they could fit in a backpack that they could take at any time to travel the world.<br> <br> One couple got rid of their huge house and mortgage payment and bought a tiny house, so they only kept things in their life that could fit in 200 square feet of space.<br> <br> Some of the blogs were just deliberate about what they kept around them. They didn't want to fall into the trap that Tyler Durden warns against in the movie, the Fight Club:<br> <br> "The things you own end up owning you."<br> <br> There are a lot of different version of Minimalism. I don't think there is one "official" definition for it, so I'll just tell you what I think it is.<br> <br> I consider Minimalism the practice of being extremely focused on what will bring you happiness, comfort, beauty, and practical use.<br> <br> I started by getting rid of about half the stuff I had in storage and in boxes in my garage. <br> <br> I was somewhat deliberate on what I wanted to keep. <br> <br> If I hadn't used it in over 6 months and I didn't see myself using it in the next six months, I cut it out of my life for good.<br> <br> I then bought a smaller house. I went down about 1000 square feet. I then cut what I owned down by 50% again. <br> <br> How could I have so much stuff I wasn't using?<br> <br> I then took the concept of Minimalism to my business and knowledge life.<br> <br> I stopped focusing on 100 things and cut it down to the 20 most important things. <br> <br> I stopped collecting so much "free" crap on subjects I was trying to learn about and decided to find the best teachers, the ones that really did what they taught, and invest in their teaching.<br> <br> When I started to focus to this level a couple things happened.<br> <br> I had less distractions and I had more time to be grateful for what I did have in my life, especially since it was all purposely chosen.<br> <br> My income doubled each year to crazy heights.<br> <br> Focus became a cherished practice and what I consider the core of Minimalism:<br> <br> Cut out the distractions and the unneeded and focus on what matters.<br> <br> Being able to focus enough time and energy on ONE project is one of the main keys to your successfully building your freedom business. <br> <br> I studied focus for years and got really good at it.<br> <br> About a year ago, Jason and I put together a training about everything we knew about razor sharp focus and we made a full training on it. <br> <br> We didn't just do this for anyone, we did it for our high priced coaching program.<br> <br> The coaching students loved it and found it critical for their success.<br> <br> I want you to have it so I'm adding it to the Freedom Club. <br> <br> I want you to watch it over the next week and to make it easy I've added it to the bonus section of Phase One: Make your first $500 online (on the side).<br> <br> Check it out here:<br> http://www.FreedomClubVIP.com<br> <br> Jeremy Frandsen<br> World Leader in Freedom Business Education