Laura Wasser: Navigating through Innovation and Disruption/ Side Gigs for Presence and Profitability

Resolutions: A Podcast About Dispute Resolution and Prevention show

Summary: Attorney, entrepreneur, author, podcast host, and Resolutions’ first repeat guest, Laura A. Wasser gives us a preview of her two presentations at the Dispute Resolution Spring Conference. Ms. Wasser will present an invigorating and optimistic look at the continually emerging world of legal tech, ODR, and how societal views of conflict resolution and divorce are evolving. Her second presentation with Susan Guthrie and Gabrielle Hartley will focus on powerful tools available to help dispute resolution practitioners grow their practice beyond the traditional networking and advertising options. Laura Wasser will present at the Dispute Resolution Spring Conference on Friday April 24th at 9:30 am and at 1:30 pm. Register for the conference at