544 Right Here, Right Now

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> When the time is right, God will make it happen.<br> So, when will the time be right already? If you’re like me, you’ve been waiting on something. Waiting for that shift, waiting for that breakthrough, waiting to see the good God is going to do from the harm the enemy intended. But maybe right now, you’re just not seeing it.<br> It must not be time.<br> This can make us feel like our entire lives are just a big holding pattern. We’re waiting and waiting, wishing and wondering, and eventually we start dismissing ourselves from the promises of God. I guess I’m not chosen after all. I guess I must not be good enough. It will never happen for me.<br> But Isaiah 60:22 God says “At the right time I, the Lord, will make it happen.”<br> Who am I to argue with that? If he says he will make it happen at the right time, then I believe HE WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN AT THE RIGHT TIME.<br> The 60th chapter of Isaiah is God speaking to Jerusalem about their future glory. He’s fully acknowledging the state of disaster and the darkness of their days, but he’s reminding them of what he is doing and what is to come. Sure your land has seen no progress, but success is coming! Yes everyone has left, but wow wait until I bring them back! You may have been torn down, but I’m about to rebuild you. You have been looked down on, but I’m going to shine down on you with my glory, and the world will now look to you.<br> God knows what he’s doing. Verse 10 says “I will now have mercy on you through my grace.” I will NOW have mercy on you through my grace. The time is NOW. And when the time is NOW, God will make it happen.<br> Your hard times have prepared you for this time … this time where things are about to change. I know you wish you would have never had to go through this time, but the truth is God doesn’t always remove the obstacles, he empowers us to go right through them.<br> He could have completely evaporated the Red Sea for the Israelites’ journey to freedom. He could have said “sea, be no more” and no doubt, it would have been gone. But he didn’t. What did God do?<br> HE MADE A WAY THROUGH IT.<br> When did he do it?<br> WHEN THE TIME WAS RIGHT.<br> The Israelites faced sure death by the Egyptians chasing after them, or sure death drowning in the sea in front of them. And this is exactly when God said the time was right. That darned if you do and darned if you don’t moment. That hemmed in with nowhere else to go moment. That hopelessly stuck moment.<br> AND THIS IS GOD’S DIVINE TIMING.<br> And the funny thing about the timing is, God sure seems to wait until the breaking point, doesn’t he? He allows the delay. He allows the dilemma. He allows the destruction. He allows the desperation.<br> Why? So we don’t miss the deity of his deliverance.<br> DON’T MISS YOUR DESTINY BECAUSE OF THE DISASTER ON THE WAY.<br> God is bigger than your disaster. He is bigger than anything standing in your way. He is more powerful. He is greater. He is the Almighty, and he’s working for you.<br> Don’t you understand that? HE IS WORKING FOR YOU. He is working to make a way for you. A way right through this disaster. And the way, His way, will allow you to taste defeat. It will force you to dig deep to depths you never knew existed within you. There’s only one way you discover the power and strength he has put in you, and it ain’t the easy way.<br> When you’re standing at your Red Sea, when you’ve come to the end of all you can do, this is when THE TIME IS RIGHT. When the time is right, you will walk right through. When the time is right, your obstacle will stand on it’s end and allow you to pass. When the time is right, you will be given exactly what you need to proceed.<br> But until then, it will just look like a dead end.