Lum and Abner – Grandpap Tells About Big Blowout In Mena. 450920

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Being trapped in the wholesale house delivery truck with the missing bottle of nitroglycerine, Lum’s friends had tried to stop the vehicle. Today, Abner is worn out after chasing the truck all night. He tells Lum about his adventure, and that he never did catch up to the truck. Lum admits he never made it on the truck, and is busy in assuring everybody in town that he’s fine. <br> Trying to phone the wholesale company, the phone is out of order, and Abner is sure the place has been blown up. Lum wants to send a telegram to bee sure that folks in the Bentley wholesaler are safe. Abner thinks a postcard would be cheaper, but it would take a lot longer to get there. <br> To get the message right, the telegram operator takes down their message using phonetic spelling, which only confuses the gents. By the time they figure it out, and the message is relayed, grandpap enters with the big news. There has been a blowout in Mena. there won’t be any misunderstandings on his part in telling about the big event, will there? <br>