Dragnet – Big Hate. ep161, 520710

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Homicide detail. An 25 year old man has been hiding in a boxcar with the body of an unidentified woman. <br> Joe Friday, and his partner Bill Lockwood interview Gordon. The young man seemed to be in shock, and is silent to the questions from the cops. Does he think the cops are out to frame him? Who was the woman, and how long did Gordon know her? Laying his cards on the table, Joe tells all that is known about the case thus far. All indications point to Gordon dragging her from the murder scene, into the boxcar, but did Gordon kill her? <br> Bill phones in a report on the woman’s identification, but the new details on connecting Elizabeth to Gordon still isn’t enough to cause him to break silence. The pressure is on, and it doesn’t take much more for him to breakdown. Emotions explode, but Gordon calms down enough to recount his evening gone wrong. His music teacher of 10 years was the love of his life, she had a drinking problem, but who could have wanted to see her dead? Gordon’s attitude turns sour when the mention of his family is made. Did they have a reason to keep the couple separated? <br> To add extra detail, Bill enters with one more clue, poison was found in her kitchen sink, and bags were packed. <br> gordon’s family shows up to try to help. Will the influence of the dad solve his son’s dilemma? What light will be shed on the relationship? It had been Gordon’s dream of being a concert pianist, but nobody showed any encouragement besides Elizabeth. Was it false hope? The teacher was like a mother to Gordon. Who or what killed Elizabeth? just as importantly, what will become of Gordon? <br>