Episode 130 - Working With An Identity Of Busy

The Brave Yes show

Summary: On this latest episode of The Abundant Mama Show, I am talking about disconnecting your identity from doing. I want you to know that your identity isn’t where your worth lies. Your worth is in your heart. Even if you did nothing more today, you’d still be beautiful, and amazing. The problem is that in motherhood we’re often invisible unless … unless we do all the things. On this latest episode of The Abundant Mama Show, I am talking about disconnecting your identity from doing. Resources Mentioned in the Show Wake Up & Thrive Network https://www.abundantmama.com/wut Press and hold the link to visit the show notes page: https://www.abundantmama.com/untangling-from-an-identity-of-busy DISCUSSED IN THIS EPISODE Is your identity tied up in your doing? Chronic Doing//Addition to producing, striving, doing. A healthy family eco-system allows for ample rest. Rest isn’t always inactive, laying horizontal. Banning the over-doing culture Life is often very busy. Rest vs. Laziness 7 Reasons to Value REST Doing vs. Being and finding that sweet spot