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Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now! show

Summary: I got another email I think might be useful for you.<br> <br> <br> <br> A guy named Neptune wrote in, get ready for some tough love.<br> <br> My comments will be peppered throughout his email using "----" before them.<br> <br> "Hi Jeremy,<br> <br> I live in the Philippines. I know this is an online course but based on my experience I suck at online courses."<br> <br> ----I have to stop you already. It's unlikely you suck at online courses. It's more like you've been through some crappy online courses. <br> <br> I've been through many of them too.<br> <br> They suck.<br> <br> They aren't step by step and most of them are designed to make you have a bunch of questions so you have to buy the teachers other courses. Shady and disgusting, I know.<br> <br> The Freedom Club is actually step by step. You get all 10 courses I've created and updated over the last 13 years. <br> <br> There is nothing else to buy, I gave it all to you.<br> <br> Just follow the Freedom Club plan and you'll be fine.<br> <br> "I usually have questions flooding my brain and that get me stuck before understand the rest of the course."<br> <br> ----Just follow the course. <br> <br> If you have a question that is not answered where you are in the plan, you don't need it answered yet. <br> <br> 10,000 other people have been through the 10 courses in the Freedom Club and I worked out the kinks a long time ago. <br> <br> Just follow the plan.<br> <br> "How fast and how often can i call to get those questions answered?"<br> <br> ---I have a private, exclusive Facebook Mastermind group that is included in your club membership. <br> <br> You can certainly ask your questions there and there is a possibility that other members that are farther than you will answer.<br> <br> The answer to your exact question is, you can't.<br> <br> You can't call me or my team.<br> <br> Everything you need is in the course.<br> <br> It's time to put on your big boy pants and decide to make this work. All the help you need is IN the course. There is no need for you to call.<br> <br> It sounds like you are setting yourself up for failure to even think you must be able to call and get all your questions answered. <br> <br> Time to grow up and just do the work.<br> <br> "Email is not the best option that i have for questions because i easily process ideas and answers through conversations."<br> <br> ----No.<br> <br> "Do you have a team in the Philippines that provide instant support?"<br> <br> ----Not that will take a call and there is no such thing as instant support on any online courses. This is another example of setting yourself up for failure.<br> <br> "I have plenty of ideas and still stuck on starting. Ive been told im an analytic because i usally get stuck until i get the whole picture."<br> <br> ----Ideas don't matter, action on just one of them does. <br> <br> I have what's called the Money Map that shows the big picture, within the Freedom Club. <br> <br> That will help you. Trust and take action.<br> <br> "And i usally want to work fast.<br> <br> Could i apply ideas instantly as i get them through the course? Or do i have to comple a course to get started?"<br> <br> ---You don't need to go through the whole 10 courses before taking action. You will take action on every tiny step. Don't move on from one step without taking the action it suggests.<br> <br> "I trust that your course will work with me, since im a big fan of Pat Flynn. Once i get started in the course could i start a group?"<br> <br> ---No need. When you join the group you will get access to the OFFICIAL Freedom Club Mastermind Facebook Group.<br> <br> "Again ideas are flooding. Hope to hear from you.<br> <br> <br> Regards,<br> Neptune"<br>