539 Middle of the Mystery

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> In a movie, there are certain parts you wouldn’t dare leave and go to the restroom. In a book, there are pages you just can’t put down. What are those parts?<br> Think about it. What are the best parts of the story? The parts where something is about to happen, but you don’t know what that something is. And whatever it is, it will change the rest of the story.<br> This is in the mystery. In the unknown. In the middle of the story where you still don’t know the ending, but you know every part of this story is building up for something.<br> And my guess is, this is where you are … you’re in the middle of this thing and how it’s going to come together is a mystery. The outcome is unknown.<br> And my sister, here’s what we miss in the middle of it all … in the middle of the messes and the chaos … in the middle of the monotony of a season of life that seems so long and without progress … we are in the middle of the mystery and this is the best part!<br> This is the part of your movie you don’t want to leave from. Ahhhhhh, the enemy fooled you into believing you wanted to skip this part. You’ve been wishing this away, but girl now is NOT the time to leave and go to the restroom. Now is the time to stay right where you are and see how this all works out!<br> This is the part of your story you gotta keep reading through. The part where you keep turning the pages knowing this isn’t over! This is not where you stop and wish for a different book! Not here, not in the middle of the mystery.<br> That’s what this is honey, this is your great mystery. This is the story of your life and day by day it is unfolding. Too many times we’re ready to give up on the story right before the breakthrough.<br> James 1: 2-4 says “Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”<br> Let God finish what he started in you. Let this story play out!<br> The great author of your life wants to know if you won’t give up this time. If he has a way through this mystery planned for you, will you keep going? Will you trust that every detail unfolding in this moment has the fingerprints of God on it, and when his fingerprints are on it, you can trust this mystery is leading somewhere ridiculously good.<br> You’re just in the middle. The place where it’s no longer new and exciting, and yet the place where you’re still so dang far from the finish you sometimes forget why you even started. The honeymoon is long over and you’re somewhere in that 7 year itch period where everything is just annoying. For some of us that 7 year itch lasts 25 years. We’re covered in hives at this point trying to remember why we married him. Oh yeah, because we are in love and this crap ain’t easy.<br> Ahhhh yes, that’s what the end of February often feels like, right? You started something this year, have you forgotten why? The excitement of those goals you wrote at the beginning of the year has totally worn off, and now the reality of the daily grind is mind numbingly monotonous. What you really want is to just coast for a little bit. To not have to try so hard. To not fight it.<br> I get it, I really do … but girl, have you lost sight of where you’re going? Remember that life you imagined? Remember the potential you dared to believe was still within you? Remember the person you said you wanted to become? IT’S ALL STILL THERE.<br> And this is NOT the part where you coast. This is the middle of the mystery. You can’t check out here. No bathroom breaks. No putting down the book to come back to later. Heck no sister … you don’t want to miss this!<br>