Gaming for Mental Health – Wargaming Recon #245

Podcasts – Wargaming Recon show

Summary: IMPORTANT NOTICE WE ARE NOT MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. IF YOU ARE IN CRISIS, PLEASE USE THE EMERGENCY NUMBER FOR THE AREA YOU ARE IN (911 IN THE US, 999 IN THE UK, ETC…) In this episode Jonathan is joined by special guest Dr. Allan G. Hunter; counselor and therapist with a PhD in Literature from Oxford University. Dr. Hunter wrote The Sanity Manual, Life Passages, Gratitude and Beyond as well as collaborating on From Coastal Command to Captivity, which was written by his father. In college Jonathan had Dr. Hunter as his literature professor and that brings him here to discuss how the tabletop gaming hobby can help those battling anxiety and depression. After discussing the topic in depth then they go on to answer Listener submitted questions.   We’re a project Kickstarter loves and we fully funded in under 3 days.  We will use the money to make the 2020 season really amazing.  We are now working to unlock exciting Stretch Goals. With the Kickstarter now underway Jonathan goes into detail about the extra backer levels that have been added. We are $134 away from unlocking our first stretch goal.  The first will let us produce a full season. Please back the Kickstarter. The Kickstarter ends 8am EST on February 19, 2020. Upcoming Guests: Gordon Firemark esq. – to discuss copyright law, trademark law and intellectual property laws as they pertain to recasting in the hobby industry. A short time ago we announced a giveaway when the Wargaming Recon Facebook page reaches 2,000 likes.  We hit this goal in early February, congratulations to John, Sigur and Dave for winning and thank you to everyone who has joined our online community. The giveaway included kits from Things from the Basement. Please throw us a like if you haven’t already and stay up to date on everything happening with the show as well as being included in any future giveaways we do this way. Wargaming Recon Army members get newest episodes FIRST Don’t want to wait? Support Wargaming Recon through Patreon. It costs as little as $1 per per month. That is less than a cup of coffee. You’ll get episodes before non-members. Credits “Downtown” by Matthew Ebel is our theme song.  Peter Bryant designed our podcast logo.  Joshua Shoobridge edited the audio for this episode.  Jamie wrote the show notes. This recording is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 license. Disclosure This post may contain links to products or services with which I have an affiliate relationship. I may receive commissions or bonuses from your actions on such links. Wargaming Recon is dedicated to the memory of long time listener Andrew who helped to give the show its name. I ask all listeners to join me in a moment of silence in Andrew’s honor.