How to Attract Larger Clients

Top Secrets of Marketing & Sales show

Summary: Time after time when I ask our clients about topics they want to know more about, the subject of attracting larger clients comes up.  So, in this episode we'll tackle it head on and address the steps you can take now to attract the larger clients you want to have.<br> <br> <br> <br> David:                   Hi and welcome to the podcast today co-host Chris Templeton and I will be talking about attracting bigger clients. Welcome Chris.<br> <br> Chris:                     Hey David. Thanks for having me. Bigger clients, nearly everyone in business in sales just loves the sound of that. But sometimes our actions, David, they aren't geared towards getting those results, are they?<br> <br> David:                   No, unfortunately they're not. And a lot of times when I've had these conversations with clients and they talk about the idea of getting bigger clients and then we talk about what they're actually doing, what we find is that they're not in front of people who ever have the capacity to be bigger clients and so it's very easy to pinpoint the problems just right from the get-go.<br> <br> Chris:                     And that is kind of the function of starting in business and just taking anything that works. And then over time just not really doing the things that helped me to get there. But I also think that businesses in general have a hard time with this idea of, you know, how do I go to these people who have the bigger dollars, who are willing to buy from me? And how do I go through the process of positioning? It's a big question for people and I think it's not often well answered by business owners or salespeople, frankly.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Schedule a Strategy Session<br> <br> <br> <a href="" class="button-style-2 button-style-2-green">Click Here</a><br> <br> <br> David:                   Yeah, there's certainly an element of fear in a lot of situations when it comes to approaching larger clients because we're afraid we're going to blow it. We're afraid we're going to say the wrong thing, and so in many cases we just don't even approach. It's like the Wayne Gretzky quote, I miss 100% of the shots I don't take. And so many people don't take those shots and as a result, they never get that business. So, I think a good step toward overcoming that fear is recognizing that buyers are human beings, no matter if they have the ability to buy a little or they have the ability to buy a lot.  They're human beings and so if you approach them as human beings and you see if you can provide them with what it is they're looking for, then regardless of the size of the business, regardless of the size of their purchasing power, they're going to be happy to hear what you have to say.  So, to overcome that is to identify, okay, who are some of these people? And maybe getting into conversations with a few of them, trying not to be intimidated, and some of them might be intimidating.  Some of them might just be rude or obnoxious or any of the other disqualifiers that we talked about in a previous podcast. It doesn't mean that that's all of them. You can have a very poor-quality prospect who can be rude and obnoxious and can come across as if they have a huge budget when they actually have no money at all and they're about to go out of business. So, you run into a lot of the same potential issues, whether you're dealing with a high-quality client or a low-quality client.<br> <br> Chris:                     I'd argue that in a lot of situations, those smaller clients, you're going to work a lot harder for a lot less versus larger clients where you're going to work well for an appropriate amount of income and enjoy the process more because you're dealing with somebody who's got good sales coming in, got a good income, and when you're dealing with these people, you want to think of it that way,