Making the Most of the Holiday Season

Top Secrets of Marketing & Sales show

Summary: The holidays are here! So, in this podcast we'll discuss how to make the very most of the holiday season in terms of planning, relaxing, networking, and strategizing.<br> <br> <br> <br> David:                   Hello, happy holidays and welcome to the podcast! Today co-host Chris Templeton and I will be discussing how to make the most of the holiday season. We've got a nice fire going, we've got some chestnuts roasting, a warm cup of holiday cheer. So, I'd say we are all set to get started. Welcome Chris.<br> <br> Chris:                     Hi David. Thanks for having me. Nice to feel so warm all over, ready for the holidays!<br> <br> David:                   Nice, isn't it?<br> <br> Chris:                     So you are talking about the holidays and you're also talking about talking business. Don't our listeners deserve just a little break?<br> <br> David:                   Yes. And don't we deserve a little break?<br> <br> Chris:                     Absolutely.<br> <br> David:                   Yeah, we probably do, but I think if many of our listeners are like me and perhaps like you as well, we may be thinking business even when we're taking a break. Even when we're relaxing, sometimes things are going on in the back of our minds. And I think a lot of us, during the course of the holiday season, we do like to take some time to sort of relax, recuperate a bit, but then as that happens we get a bit of a break in the action, and in a lot of cases that's when some of our best ideas come to us, isn't it?<br> <br> Chris:                     It certainly is. I was writing as you were talking about back of the mind. So much happens back there, especially when we give it a break and when we kind of turn off the front end activity, doesn't it?<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Need Help with This?<br> <br> <br> <a href="" class="button-style-2 button-style-2-green">Schedule a Call</a><br> <br> <br> David:                   Yeah, and that's why I really love this time of year because I think it's a great combination of that. Of course you're getting toward the end of one year, so you're able to think back in terms of what worked well and what didn't work as well. You're able to think forward in terms of what do I want to have happen next year and work toward that. You maybe get a little bit of time off, hopefully you do.  If you're able to take the weekend before and you're able to take the weekend after and you get a break during the week, it does provide some opportunity to just sort of relax a bit, think about stuff and figure out where we're going next.<br> <br> Chris:                     And I think it's just a really important point to just say to your listeners: You know what? It's okay to relax. It's okay to take some time off and let that behind the scenes brain of yours work and come up with some new ideas. Give yourself permission to let yourself go a little bit for the holidays, don't you think?<br> <br> David:                   Yes. Not only is it okay, I would argue that it's necessary because if you don't do that, then you never really get to that point of rest where your brain can come up with things that it's sort of free-styling in a way. When you're focused too much on work all the time, you're just putting out fires or you're thinking about what needs to come next, then you end up getting stuck. And so, it's nice just to be able to clear your head a little bit, enjoy yourself, relax, and allow some new ideas and new thoughts to pop into your head.<br> <br> Chris:                     So when you think about it, what do you think the best mix of relaxation versus thinking, planning and strategizing should be?<br> <br> David:                   Well, I imagine it's going to be different for everyone. Some people already relax more than others and some people tend not to relax more th...