How to Get a Buying Decision

Top Secrets of Marketing & Sales show

Summary: Indecision is deadly to sales. People think they want to buy something, but they're not sure what.  Or they know what they want to buy, but they can't decide on the style or the color, or they may know the style and color, but they just can't seem to pull the trigger. So today let's talk about making it easier for people to make a buying decision.<br> <br> <br> <br> David:                   Hi and welcome to the podcast!  Today co-host Chris Templeton and I will be talking about making it easier for prospects to make a buying decision. Welcome Chris!<br> <br> Chris:                     Hi David! You know, humans have been selling things for a long time, but getting that buying decision, I don't imagine it's gotten a whole lot easier over time, has it?<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Need Help with This?<br> <br> <br> <a href="" class="button-style-2 button-style-2-green">Schedule a Call</a><br> <br> <br> David:                   No, it doesn't seem to have gotten any easier at all. I mean for people who have been in sales for any length of time, you think about how easy or difficult it was to get people to make a decision 20 years ago, versus how easy or difficult it is now. I would say there's an argument to be made that it's actually harder now, because there are more choices,  there are more options, there's more competition. So, in a lot of ways I think it probably is actually harder now to get a buying decision out of someone than it was previously.<br> <br> Chris:                     I absolutely agree with that. And I think you're right, it's about having so many choices, but I also think it's a good time in terms of personal service really being the thing that is such a nice differentiator for sales and now it's become so easy to buy something without even having to talk to somebody and being in a situation where you're able to provide that personal level of service really in my mind seems to be a good differentiator.<br> <br> David:                   It does.  It certainly helps with a certain type of buyer who actually wants and needs that relationship. Absolutely.<br> <br> Chris:                     And some people are just more indecisive than others, aren't they?<br> <br> David:                   Yeah, I think they are. And you know, you look at that situation, and you say, okay, there's some people that just can't seem to make a decision no matter what. And as a sales person we say, okay, well why is that the case? Why do people have trouble making these types of decisions? Or making any decision at all, and I think a lot of it for buyers tends to boil down to some level of fear. They're afraid of making the wrong choice, they're afraid of getting burned, they're afraid of getting ripped off. They don't want something bad to happen, they're afraid of making a wrong decision and having their boss get angry.  Whatever it is, but a lot of it really just in my mind at least boils down to fear that keeps people from taking action and moving forward and at some point, then it becomes like mental programming. I program myself to not make decisions to put off decisions to hem and haw and procrastinate and it's always harder when an indecisive person is tasked with making a decision. It's frustrating from a sales standpoint when the person who has been put in charge of making that decision refuses to do it, they refuse to essentially do their job. It's very frustrating and it's rampant.<br> <br> Chris:                     It really is. And I think about it, one of my approaches in sales has always been, I want to help you to make an informed decision that you feel really comfortable with. And I think we lose that. And having that approach with a prospect can really help in moving the sales along. When you look at it, how much of sales in this part of the process is about helping them to see the benefits of the produ...