17. "So You Weren't Taught Much About Black History Month"

So-Called Oreos show

Summary: IT'S FEBRUARY....a.k.a Black History Month! In this episode, So-Called Oreos gives a little history on how Black History Month came about and share their personal stories on experiencing Black History lessons in all white schools. Janae recounts a memory on being reprimanded for giving a school report on Malcolm X and Amari discusses the time she saw brutal images of slavery as a child. This leads to the topic of questioning how adults should approach sensitive topics like slavery with children. Later, the four women explain what they wished they learned during Black History Month as well as what they hope Black History Month looks like in the future. Lastly, Janae reveals a Tinder horror story and Kia checks in with everyone’s progress on their 2020 goals. Black History Month https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/black-history-month Thank you for your support and as always please continue to subscribe, share and follow us on social media! Email: socalledoreos@gmail.com Twitter: @socalledoreos Instagram: @socalledoreos Facebook: www.facebook.com/socalledoreos/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCMDdVCa3…iew_as=subscriber Audience Survey: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQL…A8rq69gQ/viewform