93. Real Talk: How Much Ambition Can A Marriage Sustain?

The Lifestyle Edit Podcast show

Summary: Finding fulfillment in both love and work isn't easy but it's possible. The majority of couples today are dual-career couples. As anyone who's part of such a relationship knows, this presents big challenges: trying to raise kids and achieve career goals while caring for and supporting your partner can seem impossible. Yet most advice for dual-career couples fails, framing the challenges as a zero-sum game in which one partner’s gain is the other's loss and solutions feel like sacrifices or unsatisfactory trade-offs. Jennifer Petriglieri rejects conventional, one-size-fits-all solutions and instead focuses on how dual-career couples can tackle and resolve the challenges they face throughout their lives--together. She identifies three key phases of exploration and personal growth in every couple's work-life journey, showing how partners must navigate these together to strengthen their bond. Each phase is crystallized with a question: How can we make this work? The first phase focuses on the logistics of combining two busy lives and often involves the demands of young children. What do we really want? In the second phase, couples learn to navigate their midlife crises in ways that allow each partner to continue to feel happy and fulfilled. Who are we now? With careers winding down and kids grown up, this last phase offers new freedoms--and uncertainties. Join the Community For more content, head to www.thelifestyleedit.com and click here to join thousands of female creatives in our newsletter community: http://bit.ly/2rVZVzo Follow Naomi on Instagram: @thelifestyleedit Work with Naomi: Sign up for a complimentary coaching discovery call: http://bit.ly/2DjlR0X Learn more about the Thrive 12-Month Mastermind: http://bit.ly/2LdP1k2 TLE Resources: Download our free blueprint on how to simply & effectively raise your rates and double your income: http://bit.ly/2W7hehh Thanks so much for tuning into the podcast. If you enjoyed this episode and think others will love it too, please share it using the share button on this page. Subscribe To The Podcast If you would like to get automatic updates of new podcast episodes, you can subscribe on iTunes or via the podcast app on your phone. Leave Us A Review on iTunes Rates and reviews are the way we’re able to get this content in front of as many creative female entrepreneurs as possible. If you’ve received value from any of our episodes, please leave a review on iTunes.