Abe Baggili, "Immersive Virtual Insanity: Exploring Immersive Virtual Reality Security and Forensics"

CERIAS Weekly Security Seminar - Purdue University show

Summary: The Virtual Reality (VR) market could surpass $ 40 Billion by 2020. The U.S. Military recently closed a deal worth $ 480 Million for the Microsoft HoloLens Mixed Reality (MR) device. Oculus has already released the first immersive VR system that is mobile with no wires and no need for a high-end gaming PC for $399. While these are exciting times, an important question needs to be investigated: Are we ensuring the security and privacy of these systems? In this talk I will present various experiments and findings we conducted in our lab related to the security and forensics of consumer grade immersive VR systems. I will show you how we are able to move people in physical spaces without their knowledge or consent, as well as other attacks that we coined and implemented related to immersive VR. Furthermore, we will also explore the forensic artifacts these systems produce.