Setting Your Sports Internship Strategy – Work In Sports Podcast

The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers show

Summary: Hey everybody, I’m Brian Clapp, VP of Content and Engaged Learning at <a href=""></a> and this is the Work in Sports podcast.Before we get into today’s episode - one quick announcement for all of you sports connected folks out there. This weekend, starting Sunday and running through Tuesday, I will be at the Nationa Sports Forum in Atlanta, which is a pretty huge sportsbiz event.This is my first time. My boss the CEO of will be with me, and he fully expects me to be yucking it up with everyone. Now, let me be really honest… I love talking to people. I do. But I don’t like to initiate conversation.<a href=""></a>Someone comes up and talks to me, I’ll chat them up as long as they want. But I am terrible, literally terrible at going up and starting a conversation with anyone.I bring this up for two reasons. 1: If you or your company are going to be at National Sports Forum, please come talk to me. Come hang out.  2: I bring up my own flaws all the time to be as transparent as possible and let you know, when I host this show, nothing comes from a high perch. I may be the one talking the most, and I may have a lot of perspectives to share, but i am not without massive weaknesses and things I need to work on too. Please don’t ever think, when I give advice, that it comes from a place of superiority. It comes from a place of love. Ok, that felt a little weird to say, but there is truth in it, I wouldn’t be putting so much effort into this podcast if I didn’t care about all of you listening. I have made friends through this show I wouldn’t have known otherwise, and that has great meaning. So please know we are in this together.Last thing on National Sports Forum -- I’m going to be conducting mini-interviews with people at the event… I’m going to grab people, ask them 2-3 questions about their career and how they got started... and sprinkle these into episodes throughout the year. So again, if you are there, or if you know someone going, tell them to stop by out booth and say Hi. Make me look good in front of the CEO.Ok, on to the content you are here for!Today’s question comes from Ben in Chicago.“Hey Brian, are the Kansas City Chiefs in Missouri or Kansas? I heard there is some confusion amongst high-ranking US Officials”I can confirm Ben, the Kansas City Chiefs are most definitely in Missouri. I have personally alerted the proper authorities.Question #2 comes from Jennifer“Hey Brian, you spoke in my college class last week and I really appreciate the energy and enthusiasm you brought to the classroom. I was too shy to ask any questions but I wanted to see if you could elaborate on a point you made about how someone can stand out during an internship?”Of course Jennifer -- thank you for asking and thanks to your professor for inviting me into your classroom -- I spoke in 5 different college classes last week and it was a blast. I have to tell you I have massive respect for college professors after doing a lot of these sessions. I got for about an hour, 45 minutes of me, then 15 minutes of question time from the audience… and it is exhausting. I don’t know how the professors do it day after day. Much respect!Ok, onto your internship strategy. It’s early spring semester so many of you are gearing up for spring internships and possibly summer ones so this is the chance to get your head on straight. The three things to remember for your internship:* Be curious* Be competitive* Be coachableToday's Sponsor:<a href="">Temple University’s School of Sport, Tourism, and Hospitality Management.</a>