261-Revolutions Are Moved By Love with Sanders surrogate Phillip Agnew + Harvard for Bernie

The Katie Halper Show show

Summary: I chatted with organizer, artists and national Bernie Sanders surrogate Phillip Agnew about Iowa, the movement, how he evolved politically, that special Black and Jewish je ne sais quois, that special Muslim Bernie je ne sais quois and more! Plus I include some clips from an event that Phillip and I both took part in called "Class Warfare: The Future of Left Politics," organized by Harvard for Bernie and featuring two back to back panels: "“The Revolution Will Not Be Televised,” with Krystal Ball (The Hill, Rising), Meagan Day (Jacobin), Nomiki Konst (The Young Turks, the Nomiki Show) and me; and “Battle for the Soul of the Democratic Party,” with Dr. Cornel West (philosopher, author, Harvard professor), Michael Brooks (The Michael Brooks Show), Esha Krishnaswamy (activist and host of historic.ly) and Phillip. Plus Harvard for Bernie's Piper Winkler!