Everybody's Bad In Bed With Somebody (@RealMoAmer)

The JTrain Podcast show

Summary: Jared is joined on this week's Tuesday episode of The JTrain Podcast by comic Mo Amer to read your emails and answer questions about how to deal with a girl who's too aggressive in bed, dealing with false rumors about your sexual prowess, next steps after a girl suddenly breaks off communication, determining whether a guy is just flirty or interested in something more, and how to get guys to buy you drinks at the bar. Plus, Hypotheticals and the news with comic Azhar Usman and ManSamp. Check it out, and enjoy. twitter.com/JTrain56 // twitter.com/realmoamer // twitter.com/azharusman // twitter.com/ManSamp Sponsored by: Blue Apron(blueapron.com/JTrain) Subscribe to The JTrain Podcast on Apple Podcasts: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-t…id672249013?mt=2