Fighting Cabin Fever – MBFLP 241

Making Biblical Family Life Practical show

Summary: <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href=""></a><br> <br> <br> <br> "February is the cruelest month" is how T.S. Eliot began The Waste Land - until Ezra Pound suggested he change it to "April" for poetic reasons. Be that as it may, February is a time of dullness for many of us. It may affect us ourselves, it may affect our children. So what can we do about mid-winter cabin fever?<br> <br> Admit it - the seasons do have an impact. You might have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) - <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="">here's an article from the Mayo Clinic website.</a>  You may not have a condition that needs medical attention, but the fact that some people do have a problem with change in seasons should tell you it's not just your imagination.<br> <br> It's not a sign of weakness or a character flaw to realize some things can make a difference. We have family from Scandinavia who tell us people there (where the winter days are really short) take active, preemptive steps to increase their cheerfulness - more light, more houseplants, and so on.<br> <br> Listen in for more practical ideas to cheer up your dark days of February!<br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br> <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href=""></a><br> <br> <br> <br> PASSAGES OF INTEREST<br> Seasons are a fact - and a blessing of God<br> <br> “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.” (God, in Genesis 8:22)<br> <br> You [God] have made summer and winter. (Psalm 74:17)<br> <br> God thunders marvelously with His voice;<br> He does great things which we cannot comprehend.<br> For He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth’;<br> Likewise to the gentle rain and the heavy rain of His strength. (Job 37:5-6)<br> <br> He gives snow like wool;<br> He scatters the frost like ashes;<br> He casts out His hail like morsels;<br> Who can stand before His cold?<br> He sends out His word and melts them;<br> He causes His wind to blow, and the waters flow. (Psalm 147:16-18)<br> STORIES YOU MIGHT APPRECIATE<br> <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="">Don't Laugh - here's how to understand Southerners and snow</a><br> <br> <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="">Chocolate snow cream</a> recipe<br> UPCOMING EVENTS<br> <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href=""></a><br> <br> Would you like to have Hal and Melanie speak at your church, group meeting, or some other gathering? We travel a great deal and it may be easier than you think! We're going to be in the states in yellow in 2020, so <a rel="NOFOLLOW" href="" target="_blank">CLICK HERE to start the conversation!</a><br> <br> * February 27-29, 2020 – Nashville, TN - Teach Them Diligently – Nashville<br> * March 13-14 – Williamsburg, VA - HEAV LeaderLife Conference<br> * March 26-28, 2020 – Rogers, AR - Teach Them Diligently – Northwest Arkansas<br> * April 3-4, 2020 – Kansas City, MO - Midwest Parent Educators (MPE) Conference<br>