Windows Weekly 658: Ring the Red Bell

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Summary: <p>This Week's Stories:</p> <p>Panos Is Wumped (Windows plus Pumped)</p><ul> <li> Panos is running a new combined Windows and Devices team.</li> <li> JoeB is going to OXO</li> <li> What will PC OEMs do?</li> <li> Key takeaway: This is good for Windows and for Microsoft</li> <li> Related: More reorg news of the day. Teper is going to run Teams. And Jeff Weiner is out as CEO of LinkedIn.</li> </ul><p>Microsoft controversies of the week!</p> <p>#1 Surface Hub 2X: What's happening</p><ul> <li> After a leak claimed that Microsoft was delaying or even canceling Surface Hub 2X, Microsoft revised its plans (again, remember this is the second major delay/issue).</li> <li> What the heck is going on with Surface?</li> </ul><p>#2 Microsoft Store/UWP on the decline</p><ul> <li> Another nail in the coffin: Microsoft is shutting down the ad-based monetization of UWP apps in the Store.</li> <li> But which coffin? This probably says more about Microsoft Store than UWP.</li> </ul><p>#3 BingJacked: The sequel?</p><ul><li> Windows Search is down for many this morning. It's back now (but you probably need a reboot or 3)</li></ul><p>Microsoft at MWC</p><ul><li> Microsoft will show off some stuff at MWC, but nothing like last year. Looks like Paul is staying home.</li></ul><p>Microsoft earnings</p><ul> <li> We're a week late and a dollar short, but let's talk about Microsoft's earnings.</li> <li> Microsoft earned $11.6 billion on revenues of $36.9 billion in the quarter ending December 31.</li> <li> Windows had a larger than expected contribution</li> <li> Paul's business-by-business analysis</li> </ul><p>Xbox</p><ul> <li> There's a new System Update (2002, of course) coming in February</li> <li> Microsoft launches a new Xbox Bounty Program</li> </ul><p>Picks of the Week</p><ul> <li> Tip of the week: Give Game Pass for PC a shot</li> <li> App pick of the week: Outlook ... on mobile, not the PC</li> <li> Enterprise pick of the week: System Center 2019 Update Rollup 1 is out</li> <li> Codename pick of the week: Aruba</li> <li> Beer pick of the week: Allagash Tripel</li> </ul> <p><strong>Hosts:</strong> <a href="">Leo Laporte</a>, <a href="">Mary Jo Foley</a>, and <a href="">Paul Thurrott</a></p> <p>Download or subscribe to this show at <a href=""></a></p> <p>Check out Paul's blog at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p> <p>Check out Mary Jo's blog at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p> <p>The Windows Weekly theme music is courtesy of <a href="" target="_blank">Carl Franklin</a>.</p> <p><strong>Sponsor:</strong></p><ul> <li><a href=""></a></li> </ul>