January 31 - The great devil of all

Tudor History with Claire Ridgway show

Summary: On this day in history, 31st January 1606, Gunpowder Plot conspirators Thomas Winter, Ambrose Rookwood, Robert Keyes, and Guy Fawkes were executed for treason at the Old Palace Yard, Westminster. Two of them cheated the executioner and crowd by leaping at the gallows, but they still had awful ends. Hear a contemporary account of their executions, including what they did and said, in today's talk from Claire Ridgway, author of several history books. You can see this podcast as a video at the following link:https://youtu.be/iJPrsvrZpZ8 Also on this day in history, 31st January 1510, Queen Catherine of Aragon gave birth to a still-born daughter. Here is a link to last year’s video on that sad event. https://youtu.be/wFggNqmRtNc