Why Homeschooling Families Thrive (Podcast 109)

The Durenda Wilson Podcast show

Summary: Sometimes it's good to be reminded of why we are doing what we are doing! Today I'm chatting with my friend Ginny Yurich who is a homeschooling mom to 5. She has such a heart for homeschooling families and today she beautifully pulls back the layers, showing us from God's Word that God cares about our kids and their education. In other words, contrary to what even many Christians believe, God has an opinion about how we educate our kids. Listen in and find some great encouragement on God's blessings when we walk in obedience to Him! Education: Does God Have an Opinion? by Israel Wayne www.1000hoursoutside.com Ginny@1000hoursoutside.com Facebook.com/1000hoursoutside @1000hoursoutside on Instagram Blog post if you are interested: http://curriculumoffamily.com/blog/biblical-reasons-why-homeschooling-families-thrive Some of you have asked how you can support the podcast financially so my son (who does all my editing) set up an account where listeners who feel led to give can support by donating as little as $2 a month. There is no pressure, but here is the link.