But I'm Single

ONE&ALL Weekend Podcast show

Summary: In week 2 of our Powerhouse series there is a misconception that being single is lesser. There is a misconception that marriage and sex is the pinnacle of the Christian life. Pastor Jeff Vines is here to teach you that Christianity says you can live life to the fullest being single. God can use you to your fullest capacity as a single adult. If you’re single, this encouragement is for you! WELCOME HOME | ONE&ALL Online Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/oneandallonline/ ONE&ALL Online community in Discord https://discord.gg/nmMWAPx Tune in LIVE to ONE&ALL Online this weekend https://live.oneandall.church Connect with us on Instagram Jeff | @jeffvines Aaron | @aaronpmag79 ONE&ALL | @oneandallchurch ONE&ALL Worship | @oneandallworship