90. Pricing, Money Mindset + Creating Offers That Sell

The Lifestyle Edit Podcast show

Summary: As anyone who’s run a business with attest, scaling a company isn’t simply down to strategies and tactics. As money coach Whitney Hansen explains, so much of it is working through the limiting money beliefs that keep us stuck; the kind that keep us playing small, afraid to ask for the sale and continuing to undervalue what we have to offer. In this episode of the show, Whitney walks us through exactly how she was able to unravel and heal childhood traumas around money so that she could not only get out of debt but also how she was able to educate herself about money in the process and now make a living teaching others what she’s learned. On top of providing practical advice like the important metrics to track in your business, how she organises her time using the 80/20 rule, she walks us through how to set revenue goals, healthy money habits to implement to improve your relationship with money and how to reinvest your profits in a way that no only moves your business forward about also feels good. Imposter syndrome and beliefs about not having enough skills or not being competent enough to sell your expertise as a service are just a few of the things that came up for her when she got started. She shares how she was able to unravel some of those beliefs so she could increase her pricing and broaden her impact. Naomi Mdudu is a speaker, business coach, and the founder of The Lifestyle Edit. She is the creator of the Thrive Mastermind, a 12-month high-level mastermind for service business owners ready to increase their income and impact with more systems and ease, less overwhelm and hustle. Join the Community: • For more content, head to www.thelifestyleedit.com and click here to join thousands of female creatives in our newsletter community: http://bit.ly/2rVZVzo • Follow Naomi on Instagram: @thelifestyleedit Work with Naomi: • Sign up for a complimentary coaching discovery call: http://bit.ly/2DjlR0X • Learn more about the Thrive 12-Month Mastermind: http://bit.ly/2LdP1k2 TLE Resources: • Download our free blueprint on how to simply & effectively raise your rates and double your income: http://bit.ly/2W7hehh Learn More About Whitney: • Visit her website here: http://bit.ly/2NuwnXj Thanks so much for tuning into the podcast. If you enjoyed this episode and think others will love it too, please share it using the share button on this page. Subscribe To The Podcast: If you would like to get automatic updates of new podcast episodes, you can subscribe on iTunes or via the podcast app on your phone. Leave Us A Review on iTunes: Rates and reviews are the way we’re able to get this content in front of as many creative female entrepreneurs as possible. If you’ve received value from any of our episodes, please leave a review on iTunes.