A walk with Megan Wright

Thoughts on a Walk by 3Milemom show

Summary: I really enjoyed my conversation with Megan Wright. She is a wife, a mom, and she and her husband have their own business. She talks about their new home purchase and renovation and the challenges that come with that. We talk about being able to do something versus being called to do something. Even when it is a good thing, to be able to give something up to be able to provide the space to do other things. I’ve experienced something similar and love what she’s shares about letting go of control of these opportunities. Megan also talks about the animals and her horses. She’s learning and loving so much of this, and there are so many lessons from these animals. She talks about how even though the horses are a lot of work, she feels like the fruits of her labor have been an unexpected opportunity for spiritual growth. Megan has recently started to teach and write her own Bible studies and we talk about where it started and what her dreams are for leading women. Her passion to write was ignited after a trip to Jerusalem. She talks about how she’s teaching not from a place of having it all together, but from a place of vulnerability of her own testimony. I love how she shares a few stories of how women’s lives are being impacted by her passion and past and finding what she’s called to do. The lesson she learns the hard way is something she wishes she would have learned sooner. We also talk about a shift in her mindset of praying for her husband to change, to praying for her own changes. Megan’s mom hack is simple yet impactful for your children, always pointing back to Jesus. Follow and connect with Megan on Instagram.