The Webb Chatham Report: Episode 57

The Webb Chatham Report show

Summary: Topics: Year end projects, library dusting, Civ VI, If I die doc, photo sorting, journal book printing, New Year’s, bonfires, ad neighbors, Jane, New York, PJ Harvey Dry Demonstration, New Order So It Goes and Low Live, Vaughan Oliver RIP, Pale Saints, Dirty Projectors, Sparks, Evie Sands, Lana Del Rey, Fiona Apple, Swammi Million x Fawda Trio, Cleaners from Venus, Motion Graphics, Field Music, Clairo, Death Cab for Cutie, Golden Dawn Arkestra, Wizards in your band, Black Mountain, TOY, Pet Shop Boys, Fiona Regan, HAIM, The Mandalorian, The Expanse, Adventure Time, The Crown, Jumanji 2: The Next Level, Marriage Story, Little Women, 1917, Complexity a Guided Tour by Melanie Mitchell, Missing Out: In Praise of the Unlived Life by Adam Phillips, Work, CCPA, Bitcoin ATM at the Eagle, Juul replacements at the Eagle, diet