Finding a Winning Sales and Cold Outreach Strategy with Lior Ohayon

Sure Oak: Digital Marketing, SEO, Online Business Strategy, & More show

Summary: <br> How to reach out to Lior Ohayon:<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a><br> Finding and pitching leads is one of the more stressful but vital components of growing your business online. You never know where your next big client or project will come from, so pitching your product or service to those most likely to need it is a component of your growth strategy that you can't afford to neglect. Getting your message to the right audience and capturing their attention is a bit of art and a bit of science.<br> In this installment of the Sure Oak podcast, Lior Ohayon from <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">ScopeLeads</a> helps us understand how to up our game for getting the right leads and delivering the pitch that will help drive sales.<br> Automation Should be One of Your Last Steps, Not Your First<br> There are plenty of tools online that can help you mass-distribute emails and scour the internet for leads, but jumping right into automation can be detrimental if you haven’t first established a foundation of a working and viable lead collection strategy. Take the time to do some manual work to determine quality leads; essentially, you’ll need to decide how you can best mine and collect leads before you begin scaling your operation with tools that can be customized to gather them automatically.<br> Skipping the research and elbow grease to head directly for the automated tools is a good way to get your emails sent to your contact’s spam filters and to waste your valuable time and energy.<br> Experiment to Find the Right Fit<br> Fine-tuning your pitch, e-mail formatting, and lead collection strategies take a bit of time, but the return on investment is well worth it. Give yourself a bit of leeway in the beginning so you can create and send a few different e-mail pitches and templates before figuring which is the most successful in garnering replies and moving potential clients through your sales and marketing funnel. If you’re looking for leads, make sure you’re getting the most qualified potential clients. For example, if you’re pitching a reputation management service, you may want to find local businesses on Yelp or Google Maps who have inconsistent listing data or an ineffective way of responding to negative reviews; these businesses are most likely to need your services. From there, it’s important to find the best contact information for these potential clients, to ensure your message is seen by the right team member or employee.<br> Doing some initial research into vetting leads and honing your e-mail messaging is the best way to improve the success of future automation and lead conversion.<br> Avoid Common Pitfalls of E-Mail Writing and Lead Generation<br> First and foremost, don’t pay for leads. While it’s tempting to dole out money to a broker who can send you a list of so-called high-quality leads, the best pay-off comes from doing your own investigating, as mentioned above. Doing your research does take more time, but it’s worth the pay-off in improved conversions and messaging accuracy.<br> Once you have your leads researched and you have the correct contact information for them, it’s time to send your expertly-crafted and engaging e-mail pitch. Many business owners overthink this part of the process, imagining that they have to be funny, long-winded, or provide links to every resource, website, and client that could corroborate the greatness of their service. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. While it seems counter-intuitive, Lior actually advises against linking to your company’s website in your cold emails, as this can circumvent your planned sales pitch and lead the client to decide that your service ...