Sleep Is a Skill with Mollie McGlocklin

The Elite HRV Podcast: Heart Rate Variability, Biohacking Health & Performance, Quantified Self show

Summary: Mollie McGlocklin is the creator of Sleep Is A Skill, a company that optimizes how people sleep through a unique blend of technology, accountability, and behavioral change. Her obsession with sleep came after “scratching her own itch” when her lifelong poor sleep habits progressed to a challenging bout of insomnia. With a background in psychology & human behavior, she went deep down the rabbit hole to solve her sleep disturbances. She became fascinated with chronobiology, and by extension, its practical applications to restore a state of homeostasis to sleep. For the past three years, she’s traveled the world testing sleep quality in different environments across the globe. Knowing the difference between a life with sleep and without; she’s dedicated to sharing the forgotten skill set of sleep. --Topics listed below. The NEW CorSense HRV sensor: Leave a quick review for the podcast: (Thanks in advance!) Learn about Heart Rate Variability at The Elite Academy: TOPICS: 1:00 Intro: Where is Mollie now? 3:45 How did Mollie get here 11:00 Being honest with your own sleep status 16:00 "I'm just a night-owl!" - the truth behind chronobiology 24:00 Treating sleep as a "skill" 28:30 The desert island approach 31:45 Striking a balance with sleep tech 38:00 The importance of HRV and other quantified feedback 41:00 Get outside in the morning, stop wearing sunglasses, other habits 53:30 Our priorities as a society (wellness habits vs. sleeping more) 1:05:50 "I'll sleep when I'm dead" 1:10:50 Jumpstart better sleep with certain gadgets 1:22:15 Where we can find Mollie Guest: Mollie McGlocklin Host: Jason Moore Show notes: Leave a quick review for the podcast: (Thanks in advance!) Learn about Heart Rate Variability at The Elite Academy: The NEW CorSense HRV sensor: --