Core American Documents: The Constitutional Convention

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Summary: The best way to study the advantages and disadvantages of compromise is to study the Constitutional Convention - through documents. The third volume of the American History and Government Core Documents Collections – the Constitutional Convention – is available on Kindle, iTunes and PDF. Hard copies are also available for $10 each - email if you would like a copy. You can also buy it on Amazon! Sign up for early access to each volume! This collection of documents on the Constitutional Convention is part of our extended series of document collections covering major periods, themes, and institutions in American history and government. This is the second of four volumes that will cover the Founding of the United States. The American Founding, already published, is the capstone of the four. The others – this collection, and volumes on the ratification of the constitution and the Bill of Rights, which will follow it – tell aspects of the founding story in more detail. The documents in this collection explain why the constitutional convention was held and illustrate the ideas of government and politics that the delegates carried with them to Philadelphia, ideas wrung from their reading and, more important, from the extensive experience of self-government the colonists had enjoyed. Its pages recount the Convention’s critical debates over the purpose and powers of government, the nature of representation, and the relation between the states and the central government. They recount as well the way that slavery and the interests of the various states shaped those debates. Together, the four volumes on the Founding provide the essentials for understanding the Founding as the Founders understood it. See a list of all titles in's Core Documents series, and access our online exhibit on the Constitutional Convention, mentioned by Professor Lloyd. The post Core American Documents: The Constitutional Convention appeared first on Teaching American History.