Agnes Obel Delights in the Quiet Recesses of the Inner Mind

Soundcheck show

Summary: <p>Berlin-based Danish singer, pianist, and composer Agnes Obel presents her ghostly, beautiful, classical chamber music-informed self-produced art-pop. Listen for <em>luthéal</em> (a kind of mechanism that can make a piano sound like a harp or cimbalom), piano, viola, cello, percussion, and lots of dreamy, ethereal vocals, asking questions about trust and doubt. For the latest record, <em>Myopia,</em> Obel experimented with recording processing, warping and pitching down vocals, melting and twisting the chamber music instruments strings, piano, celesta and lutheal piano – until she found a feeling of home in the soundworld she’d created. Agnes Obel and her band share some of these latest songs, in-studio. - <em>Caryn Havlik</em></p> <p><em>Watch the session here:</em></p> <p>Set List: </p> <ul> Won't You Call Me Island of Doom Broken Sleep </ul> <p> </p>