Shifting Narratives: What Caused the Ukrainian Plane Crash in Iran?

Loud & Clear show

Summary: On today's episode of Loud &amp; Clear, Brian Becker is joined by Jim Kavanagh, the editor of, and Sputnik News analysts and producers Walter Smolarek and Nicole Roussell.<br><br>Friday is Loud &amp; Clear’s weekly hour-long segment The Week in Review, about the week in politics, policy, and international affairs. Today they focus on the many dimensions of the crisis between the United States and Iran.<br> <br>Iraqi prime minister Adel Abdul Mahdi has now said the US must set up a mechanism to remove US troops from Iraq, though the state department has rejected the appeal. Meanwhile, there are accusations circulating about what happened to the Ukrainian commercial aircraft that crashed with 176 casualties. Dan Kovalik, a human rights and labor lawyer who is the author of the book, “The Plot to Attack Iran: How the CIA and the Deep State Have Conspired to Vilify Iran,” and Mazda Majidi, an author, journalist and anti-war activist, join the show.<br> <br>British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has issued a lot of statements lately. He condemned last week’s vandalism of the US Embassy in Baghdad. He strongly supported the US murder of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. He warned against Iranian retaliation for that murder. Is Boris Johnson assuming the role that Tony Blair did before him? Is he simply a British mouthpiece for the US president? Brian speaks with Neil Clark, a journalist and broadcaster whose work has appeared in The Guardian, The Week, and Morning Star.<br> <br>Hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets in France yesterday in support of the struggle against pension cuts pushed by President Emmanuel Macron. Strikes by transportation workers, the backbone of the anti-pension reform movement continue today and are among the longest in French history. Gilbert Mercier, Editor in Chief of News Junkie Post and the author of “The Orwellian Empire,” joins the show.<br> <br>Voters in Taiwan are going to the polls tomorrow for presidential and parliamentary elections that could have a profound impact on world politics. The anti-mainland incumbent President Tsai Ing-wen is favored to win, setting the stage for possible confrontation with China. Bob Schlehuber, the producer of Radio Sputnik’s By Any Means Necessary, which is on from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. every day on 105.5 FM and 1390 AM in the Washington, DC area, and who is in Taiwan to cover the election, joins Brian.<br> <br>It’s Friday! So it’s time for the week’s worst and most misleading headlines. Brian and John speak with Steve Patt, an independent journalist whose critiques of the mainstream media have been a feature of his site Left I on the News and on twitter @leftiblog, and Sputnik producer Nicole Roussell.