Episode 64: FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 5

ScreamQueenz: Where Horror Gets GAY! show

Summary: Can you believe it? Another Friday the 13th has passed us by, which means I'm overdue for the next installment of the FRIDAY THE 13th SPECTACULARRRR! We're now up to the fifth film in the series, FRIDAY THE 13th PART V: A NEW BEGINNING. And it's a new beginning, all right. It's the beginning of the end of my love affair with this franchise. Oh hush! This movie is terrible, and you know it! <br> <br> <a rel="attachment" href="https://screamqueenz.com/2012/07/episode-64-friday-the-13th-part-5/friday5/"></a><br> <br> I sat down with Mister Brad to watch it again. He's never seen it before, and I thought we were both going to need new glasses after all the eye-rolling we did. Of course, the saving grace is hearing him singing the "Ooh, baby! Ooh baby!" thing in the shower ever since. (Expect audio soon!)<br> <br> <a rel="attachment" href="https://screamqueenz.com/2012/07/episode-64-friday-the-13th-part-5/tumblr_l0rztva2tk1qb45lp/"></a><br> <a rel="attachment" href="https://screamqueenz.com/2012/07/episode-64-friday-the-13th-part-5/l-2/"></a><br> <a rel="attachment" href="https://screamqueenz.com/2012/07/episode-64-friday-the-13th-part-5/friday13th5_6/"></a><br> <br> Also, expect a lot of talk about my trip to Denver for the GALA 2012 convention. Yeah yeah, suck it up. I try to make it as fun as possible. Plus I get a little heavy and reveal some DEEP TRUTHS, so make sure you have Kleenex handy. Not like that, you pig! Gad, you're disgusting<br> <br> <a rel="attachment" href="https://screamqueenz.com/2012/07/episode-64-friday-the-13th-part-5/chad-and-me/"></a><br> <a rel="attachment" href="https://screamqueenz.com/2012/07/episode-64-friday-the-13th-part-5/471356_10151048851459628_1150261979_o/"></a><br>