Spain Has a Government-at last!

Europe Calling show

Summary: Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, or simply Santa, is a fictional figure originating in Western Christian culture EMPLOYMENT figures published by the Ministry of Employment in Spain has revealed that the rate of employment in 2019 has increased by a welcome 2.02% The Valencian orchard is unique. Formed from the system of ditches that the Muslims bequeathed, it has been maintained over the centuries despite the pressure of the 1.2 million inhabitants of the city and its metropolitan area. . In the UK Thieves, fraudsters, robbers and violent criminals are being spared prison sent ences despite committing up to 60 previous offences, new data has revealed. British aid to the world's most corrupt countries has risen by more than a third in five years, figures reveal. The Duke of Cambridge has narrated a 60-second film featuring stars of British football which he hopes will encourage fans to 'Take A Minute' to start looking after their mental health