126 - TRUFIT 2020 : Long Term Health and Fitness Part 4 (Epigenetics)

Defining Dad Bod show

Summary: The gyms are about to get very crowded all over the world…because of the new year! <br><br>What’s sad is that most of the newcomers will stop coming by the end of February. <br><br>Why is that?<br><br>The health and fitness world is filled with 4-week FADS ; 8-week programs; and the short term research to back up these spurts of well-meaning exercise and nutrition change. <br><br>But around here, we know that nothing worth changing about you is short-term. <br><br>In fact, that’s not how biology works, anyway. <br><br>Anything short-term is a waste of time in the big scheme of things.<br><br>Let’s take a different view of exercise, nutrition and lifestyle change in 2020. <br><br>Let’s create sustainable changes that will stick with you so that next year, 2021, you’re getting to grow further instead of spinning your wheels or backsliding.<br><br>In this episode, we’ll cover the potential you have locked up inside of you. <br><br>I’m sure you’ve heard that your DNA is the blueprint for your body, but did you know that only certain portions of it are activated right now?<br><br>What would happen if you could turn off the undesireable genes and turn on the parts of you that you want to see manifest in your life?<br><br>Maybe you are more energetic, more muscular, less depressed, and stronger than you think you are. You just have to activate that potential in you! <br><br>In Part 5 next week, we’ll talk through the HEROES JOURNEY and why taking on challenges is a necessary part of moving forward in your health and fitness journey if you don’t want to just “go through the motions”!<br><br>Make a $1-$5 Monthly Contribution<br><br>patreon.com/definingdadbod<br><br>Make a $20+ Monthly Contribution<br><br>mailto:coachlal@definingdadbod.com?body=Hey%20Coach%20Al%2C%20I%20want%20to%20get%20involved%20in%20keeping%20Defining%20Dad%20Bod%20on%20the%20air.%20%0A%0AI%20am%20committed%20to%20contribute%20%3C%3C%20%3E%3E%20per%20month.%0A%0ASend%20me%20the%20link!%20&amp;subject=Donation<br><br>Make a One-Time Contribution<br><br>definingdadbod.com/innercircle<br><br>Part 1 - Setting The Right Goals<br><br>definingdadbod.com/blog/123<br><br>Part 2 - Training Phases <br><br>definingdadbod.com/blog/124<br><br>Part 3 - Fat Loss<br><br>definingdadbod.com/blog/125<br><br>Defining Dad Bod On Youtube<br><br><a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh9iqX0vbbqLbz3lCvV7k-Q?sub_confirmation=1" rel="noopener">https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh9iqX0vbbqLbz3lCvV7k-Q?sub_confirmation=1</a><br><br>Start Your Trial Week<br><br>definingdadbod.com/shop/trialweek