Monday, January 6, 2020

Daily Hukamnama from Harimandir Sahib (Amritsar) show

Summary: SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: He does not understand himself; he believes the Lord God to be far away. He forgets to serve the Guru; how can his mind remain in the Lord’s Presence? The self-willed manmukh wastes away his life in worthless greed and falsehood. O Nanak, the Lord forgives, and blends them with Himself; through the True Word of the Shabad, He is ever-present. || 1 || THIRD MEHL: True is the Praise of the Lord God; the Gurmukh chants the Name of the Lord of the Universe. Praising the Naam night and day, and meditating on the Lord, the mind becomes blissful. By great good fortune, I have found the Lord, the perfect embodiment of supreme bliss. Servant Nanak praises the Naam; his mind and body shall never again be shattered. || 2 || PAUREE: If someone slanders the True Guru, and then comes seeking the Guru’s Protection, the True Guru forgives him for his past sins, and unites him with the Saints’ Congregation. When the rain falls, the water in the streams, rivers and ponds flows into the Ganges; flowing into the Ganges, it is made sacred and pure. Such is the glorious greatness of the True Guru, who has no vengeance; meeting with Him, thirst and hunger are quenched, and instantly, one attains celestial peace. O Nanak, behold this wonder of the Lord, my True King! Everyone is pleased with one who obeys and believes in the True Guru. || 13 || 1 || SUDH || Hukamnama from