Coffee Break – Show 3

The Fat Pipe - All of the Packet Pushers Podcasts show

Summary: [player]<br> Mike Fratto joins us this week to talk about the news of the week on IPv4, Broadband Performance, Net Neutrality, IBM, SDN and more. <br> About Mike Fratto<br> Mike is a principal analyst with Current Analysis’ Business Technology and Services group covering the enterprise networking market. Prior to Current Analysis, Mike was with TechWeb for over 15 years finishing as Editor of Networking Computing. He has extensive experience evaluating enterprise remote access, security, and network infrastructure products. He previously was Lead Analyst with InformationWeek Analytics, Senior Technology Editor with Network Computing and Executive Editor for Secure Enterprise. He has spoken at several conferences including Interop, MISTI, the Internet Security Conference, as well as to local groups. He was track chair for Interop’s Data Center and Storage tracks. He also teaches a network security graduate course at Syracuse University. Prior to Network Computing, Mike was an independent consultant.<br> You can find him on the web at <a href="" target="_blank">Linkedin</a> , <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">blog</a><br> Topics<br> <a href="">What happened to IPv4 crisis</a><br> ARIN currently has “approximately 24 million IPv4 addresses in the available pool for the region,” according to President and CEO John Curran. They’re available to ISPs large and small, but Curran predicts they will all likely be handed out by “sometime in 2014.”<br> [A call for open standards for broadband performance testing]–278832.html)<br> With AT&amp;T announcing its sponsored data initiative, a federal appeals court ruling that the FCC can no longer protect net neutrality, and Comcast announcing a $45 billion acquisition of Time Warner Cable, business and consumers alike need accurate information on broadband performance more than ever.<br> <a href="">Net Neutrality and Net Reality. Truth Is Hard to Find — EtherealMind</a><br> Recently, Dave at DavesBlog made some rather startling observations that Verizon is throttling Netflix traffic, backed up by a comment from some low level help desk staffer that this is true. Taking a casual comment as “truth” is wildly unreasonable. On the Internet, it is very hard to pick the difference between Net Neutrality and Net Reality.<br> <a href="">Why IBM May Abandon SDN</a><br> Cisco reports its number. Revenue down 12%, profit down 11%, dividend up 2c.<br> <a href="">Slow’n’steady: NetApp’s revenues flatline while profits increase – The Register</a> – “In the advent of cloud and FAS and new technologies, there’s elongated decision cycles, because people don’t want to make bets on technologies at a long term in nature that they’re going to regret in a few years“<br> <a href=";_mc=SM_LR_Edit">Big Switch CEO: We’re Not for Sale | Light Reading</a><br>