Network Break 13

The Fat Pipe - All of the Packet Pushers Podcasts show

Summary: [player]<br> We have renamed the show to “The Network Break”<br> <br> <a href="">Research: 2014 State of the Data Center – InformationWeek Reports</a><br> The data center is full of nonstop action. In the physical infrastructure, SDN is disrupting networking, flash is shaking up storage, and hypervisors have revolutionized how we buy servers. For managers, DevOps and Lean business models are changing attitudes and application strategies. And of course, cloud is everywhere.<br> <a href="">The Case for Why Marketing Should Have Its Own Engineers</a><br> A lot of startups — especially those that are deeply technical — are strapped for resources and don’t prioritize or invest in marketing until their product’s mold has been cast. Mitchell believes this is a mistake, and that product and marketing should grow up side-by-side.<br> <a href="">Brocade – Brocade Joins 25 Gigabit Ethernet Consortium in Support of New Ethernet Specification to Drive the Data Centers of Tomorrow</a><br> “This is a natural progression with relatively minimal incremental cost and an excellent re-use of existing infrastructure,” said Martin Skagen, chief architect at Brocade. “Our support of this consortium and the standard it has created reflects the strong commitment we have to the industry and our customers.”<br> <a href="">Rackspace says so long to commodity cloud wars with new pricing model</a><br> Rackspace is rolling out a new price model to get out of the commodity death spiral. Makes me wonder if Rackspace plans to move upmarket with services that go just beyond basic management and support.<br> “In line with that shift, today the company unveiled a new way to charge for its public-cloud services. Rather than display prices that cover compute power as well as the “fanatical support” it has long boasted about, Rackspace will now break out the infrastructure cost from the support cost. That way, prospective customers can see more clearly why Rackspace costs more than the basic infrastructure from Amazon Web Services, Google, and Microsoft.”<br> <a href="">Scripting Does Not Scale For Network Automation – EtherealMind</a><br> Lots of interest is using scripting for automation and, for a few scripts or tasks, you can get a lot done for not much effort. My experiences with scripting have left me bitter and jaded. Here is why.<br> <a href="">Scripting is automation, but automation is not scripting – Plexxi</a><br> And creating and maintaining APIs is far more than the technology used to access them. It does not matter whether its XML, JSON, REST, NETCONF or anything else. Those are definitions of how information is carried to and from the device and network. I can build a wonderful REST API that takes a CLI command as an argument and spits me back the output from that CLI command in some format. I am sure that sounds familiar to some, but this is not an API. Not in a truly meaningful way that would elevate our automation abilities.<br> <a href="">Bare Metal Pricing Impacts Resellers – Plexxi Blog</a><br> The other is an analysis of how bare metal switching will cause margin pressure in the networking industry, and so Cisco will look to squeeze resellers:<br> Related: <a href="">https://packetpushers.</a>