1Q1A Rethinking Consciousness Michael Graziano

The Avid Reader Show show

Summary: Good afternoon everyone and welcome to another edition of The Avid Reader. Today our guest is Michael Graziano, author of Rethinking Consciousness: A Scientific Theory Of Subjective Experience, Published in September by Norton. Michael is professor of psychology and neuroscience at Princeton. He has written four other neuroscience books and his work has appeared in The Atlantic, NYT, Huffington Post and many other periodicals. His lab at Princeton focuses on a theory, a theory labelled The Attention Schema. Rethinking Conscious explores the world in which we live and how that world is represented in our mind. It is not only the perception of reality but our perception of that perception that drives the experience which we call consciousness. Neurons fire, the ones that fire like warriors drive our attention and thus give rise to the idea that we exist and that we are paying attention to something or other.