Bill Sterns Sports Newsreel (NBC) Top Stories of 1945, Jack Benny. 451229

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Bill invites Jack Benny on his show to talk sports. Has jack given up on all forms of sports? The two joke about Jack’s beautiful muscles. <br> Outstanding sports stories of the year include Jack Shebney, a coach who joined the US Marines, and gave his life on Iwo Jima, and how his fountain pen found itself in Japanese hands. What about Nazi German prizefighters? A famous French traitor finds himself in Bill’s report. Official soccer scores play a part in decoding the atomic bomb. Italian dictators and top leaders contribute to each others deaths. Finally, one great champion, though never in sports, was Franklin D Roosevelt who died earlier in the year. <br> The Story Behind the Story: Jack Benny tells about an up and coming boxer. Robert Burns had nobody to teach him, so he took up poetry. One poem he wrote was turned into the ageless tune, Auld Lang Syne. <br>