Quiet Please – Twelve To Five. ep45, 480412

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: An all night DJ takes calls from fans with kind words, and requests for their favorite songs. Learn details about the theme song to Quiet Please, and a few bars of it are shared. Callers inquire about the DJ’s past. Do all night disk jockeys get to have visitors? <br> The music keeps coming, while a break is had to share coffee with a new employee. Where does the stranger work, the newsroom? Some where else? The news report tells of a murder in the neighborhood, rain, and a time check. Hey wait. Herbie got the time wrong, and it isn’t raining. An upset caller notifies the DJ that he has not been murdered. <br> Connie Duffin keeps spinning the disks, and the radio intrudes on a scene of foreboding. Is a fight brewing? A lovers quarrel blows up. But does it lead to murder? Will Connie’s false news report begin to come true? The phone calls keep coming with more urgency. <br> What kind of personal trouble will Connie end up getting himself into. He is being blamed for the mix ups in the studio. Music punctuates the increasingly irate callers. What happened to Herbie the newsman? For that matter, where did everybody else go to? A confusing teletype is presented by Herbie,, and lets Connie know the truth about how his shift really ended. <br> Note: Connie’s live commercial for “Chapel’s Apples” is a fun play on the star’s name, Ernest Chapel. <br>